These are our little embryos!!!
Woo Hoo! The transfer went better than we could have expected. I got the call this morning that it would be today. We had 2 embryos ready for transfer and the doctor and embryologists all said that they couldn't have looked better. They are perfect!!
So, we went in today at 11 o'clock and the nurse helped us get ready. Then we waited. Here's a little glimpse of our wait:
Then I started playing...
They gave me Valium to help my muscles relax!! I think it worked!!
We played a game of 10,000.
Felipe won. But I let him win.
Time for Felipe to get ready...
Dr. Adams
Aren't we cute?
Shortly, after we took this they came to get us to take us back. The transfer itself only took about 15 minutes. We got to watch on a big screen the embryologist get the embryos and bring them into the operating room. I was awake for the whole thing. Then they wheeled me back to our room and I had to lay still for an hour. Felipe and I cried and prayed together for a while. Then we started texting our friends and family!! Directly after the transfer appointment, I went to acupuncture and fell asleep on the table for the whole 30 minutes. I guess I'm a little tuckered out. I'm now on basically bed rest for the next 3 days. They said the embryos will mostly likely implant in the uterine wall in that time. This is a very critical time for our little ones. It's completely hard to believe that there are 2 living beings in my uterus right now. Whoa!
As we prayed over our little ones today, we told them that there are so many people praying for them and lifting them up to our Father in Heaven. We told them they have lots of friends and family who can't wait to meet them. We thank you all so much for walking through this with us in love, support and prayer. We don't walk alone and we feel that today. We feel so loved by all of your words, emails, texts and loving drop-bys. Please keep praying. The battle for these little but mighty ones is not yet over. I'll keep you posted on how we're all doing. I will be able to take a preggers test week after next.
Love you all so very much.